How Does PHP Handle Sessions with Code Examples

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Broadly speaking, a session refers to some kind of interaction happening between a client and a server over a period of time. In PHP, control is exercised over sessions through client-side cookies and server-side storage.

To start a session in PHP, you can use the session_start() function. When this function is called, PHP creates a new session file on the server, while simultaneously sending out a cookie with a unique session ID to store this information on the client side. This file will contain various user data, which can be utilized to ensure that you do not lose it during page changes within your application.

Securing Session IDs is crucial for protecting web applications from unauthorized access and attacks. To ensure session security, avoid exposing session IDs in URLs. Regularly regenerate session IDs at set intervals to prevent Session Fixation attacks. As a best practice, call the session_generate_id() function after a sensitive operation, such as login.

For secure transmission of session cookies, always use HTTPS. This prevents session hijacking through man-in-the-middle attacks.

Cookie settings also play a significant role in session security. Enable the HttpOnly and Secure flags to reduce the risk of session cookie theft due to XSS.

Implement reasonable session expiry and inactivity timeout policies to mitigate the risk of inactive sessions being taken over by attackers.

PHP Sessions Basics: Using session_set_cookie_params

You would typically call session_set_cookie_params() before you start a session with session_start(). Here is how you can use it:

// Set the cookie parameters before starting the session
$lifetime = 3600; // The cookie will last for 1 hour
$path = '/'; // Available throughout the entire domain
$domain = ''; // Default domain value, or specify your domain
$secure = false; // Set to true if using https
$httponly = true; // Only accessible through the HTTP protocol

session_set_cookie_params($lifetime, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly);

if (!isset($_SESSION["email"]) || !isset($_SESSION["product_id"]) || !isset($_SESSION["name"])) {
    header("Location: demo.php");

Parameters Explained

  • $lifetime: The lifespan of the cookie in seconds. For example, 3600 would mean the cookie is valid for one hour.
  • $path: The path on the server in which the cookie will be available. A value of '/' means the cookie is available across the entire domain.
  • $domain: The domain that the cookie should be available to. If you leave it blank, it’ll default to the domain of the page that created the cookie.
  • $secure: If set to true, the cookie will only be transmitted over secure HTTPS connections. Set it to false during development or if you’re not using HTTPS.
  • $httponly: If set to true, the cookie cannot be accessed via JavaScript, which can help mitigate certain types of attacks.

Updating php.ini

If you’re looking to set session parameters globally for all your PHP applications, you can edit your php.ini file directly. Here are the relevant entries you might want to change:

; Session settings
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 ; (default is 1440 seconds or 24 minutes)

However, note that changing session.cookie_lifetime in php.ini will affect all sessions for all applications on the server, while using session_set_cookie_params() provides more granular control for individual sessions.

Important Considerations

  • Always call session_set_cookie_params() before session_start(), otherwise it won’t take effect.
  • If you are using PHP 7.0 or higher, it is encouraged to explicitly set the cookie parameters that suit your security requirements.
  • If changes to php.ini are required, make sure to restart your web server (like Apache or Nginx) for the changes to take effect.

Let’s go through the test code below step-by-step to troubleshoot why the automatic logout mechanism may not be functioning as you expect. I will also clarify how the session management should work based on the code provided.

Advanced PHP Session Code Analysis and Common Issues

There are many ways to use sessions. The below code is not meant to be “one for all” but rather a way you “might” use PHP sessions in your code:

// Set parameters for the session cookie
$lifetime = 30; // Session cookie will last for 30 seconds for testing
$path = '/'; // Cookie is valid throughout the entire domain
$domain = ''; // Default domain (if needed, specify your domain)
$secure = true; // Set to true if using HTTPS to enhance security
$httponly = true; // Only HTTP protocol access (prevents JavaScript access)

// Check if a session is already started
if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE) { 
    // Apply the cookie parameters
    session_set_cookie_params($lifetime, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly);

    // Start the session

// Check for session expiry (automatic logout)
if (isset($_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'])) {
    // If the last activity was more than 30 seconds ago
    if (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] > $lifetime) {
        // Last request was more than 30 seconds ago
        session_unset();     // Clear all session variables
        session_destroy();   // Destroy the session
        header('Location: ./logoin.php'); // Redirect to login page

// Update last activity timestamp
$_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] = time(); // Update last activity time

Key Points:

  1. Lifetime Setting:
  • You set $lifetime = 30;, which means the session will expire after 30 seconds of inactivity. This is useful for testing, but during a normal use case, you would likely want to use a larger value (like 3600 for 1 hour).
  1. Testing the Expiry:
  • If you test this code, ensure you remain inactive for at least 30 seconds after your last action. As a quick test, you can load the page and then refrain from any interaction for 30 seconds to see if it redirects you.
  1. Session Initialization:
  • Each time you load a page that includes this code, it checks if the session has started, sets the session parameters, and then it starts the session if necessary. This is correct.
  1. Updating LAST_ACTIVITY:
  • The line $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] = time(); is meant to reset the timer when the user makes an interaction on the page. This should be at the end of the script after any other logic.

Testing Steps

  1. Load the page with the code.
  2. Wait 30 seconds without refreshing or interacting with the page (30 seconds is only for testing, way too short for apps).
  3. The user should be redirected to login.php (or whatever page you are redirecting to) after this period.

Potential Issues to Consider

  • Browser Cache: Sometimes the browser might cache the page, so if you are testing with a back button, be careful that the page state could be reused.
  • Secure Cookies: If $secure is set to true, the cookie will only be sent over HTTPS connections. Ensure you are testing this on a server that supports HTTPS.
  • Output Before Header: Ensure there’s no output (such as HTML or whitespace) before the header() function is called, as any output will cause a “headers already sent” error.
  • Different Include Paths: Ensure the redirection path ../../ reaches the correct target (like your login page).

Final Code Version

With all this in mind, here’s our updated and final session management code that includes some appropriate debug info:

// Set parameters for the session cookie
$lifetime = 30; // Session cookie will last for 30 seconds for testing
$path = '/'; // Cookie is valid throughout the entire domain
$domain = ''; // Default domain (if needed, specify your domain)
$secure = true; // Set to true if using HTTPS to enhance security
$httponly = true; // Only HTTP protocol access (prevents JavaScript access)

// Check if a session is already started
if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE) { 
    // Apply the cookie parameters and start the session
    session_set_cookie_params($lifetime, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly);

// Check for session expiry (automatic logout)
if (isset($_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'])) {
    // Check if the last activity was over the lifetime of 30 seconds
    if (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] > $lifetime) {
        session_unset();     // Clear all session variables
        session_destroy();   // Destroy the session
        header('Location: login.php'); // Redirect to login page
        exit(); // Stop execution

// Update last activity timestamp
$_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] = time(); // Update the last activity time

Additional Notes

If you follow the troubleshooting guidelines above and the code is integrated correctly, the automatic logout feature should work as intended. Adjust session durations back to a more realistic value (like 3600 seconds) for production after testing.

Thanks for visiting and reading “How Does PHP Handle Sessions with Code Examples“.

I hope that this code helps you and even if a little, my job is done and felling fuzzy inside 🙂

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